Roshan Chaile

Bar Roll: 2016 Admitted: 2009
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Roshan has a broad practice in commercial and public law, with particular experience in class actions, corporations law, competition law, trade practices, constitutional law, administrative law and planning and environment law.

Before coming to the Bar, Roshan was an Associate to the Hon Justice Stephen Gageler AC at the High Court of Australia.  Prior to that, he was an Associate at the Federal Court of Australia for two years, first to the Hon Justice Christopher Jessup and then to the Hon Justice Michelle Gordon, and a solicitor at Clayton Utz and Corrs Chambers Westgarth.  He has also previously taught corporations law at the Melbourne Law School and worked as a Graduate Researcher at the University of Oxford.



*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation

Aged CareArbitrationClass ActionsCommercialConstitutional LawConstructionCorporate & CommercialCorporationsDisabiltyEmployment and Industrial RelationsEnvironmentEquity & TrustsFOI/PrivacyJudicial ReviewMediationMerits ReviewPlanningProperty, Planning, Environment & ResourcesPublic LawRegulatoryTrade Practices/Consumer Protection


BCL (Oxon) (Dist); BIR/LLB (Hons) (La Trobe)

Roshan holds a Bachelor of Civil Law with Distinction from the University of Oxford.

Roshan Chaile

Bar Roll: 2016 Admitted: 2009
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Roshan has a broad practice in commercial and public law, with particular experience in class actions, corporations law, competition law, trade practices, constitutional law, administrative law and planning and environment law.

Before coming to the Bar, Roshan was an Associate to the Hon Justice Stephen Gageler AC at the High Court of Australia.  Prior to that, he was an Associate at the Federal Court of Australia for two years, first to the Hon Justice Christopher Jessup and then to the Hon Justice Michelle Gordon, and a solicitor at Clayton Utz and Corrs Chambers Westgarth.  He has also previously taught corporations law at the Melbourne Law School and worked as a Graduate Researcher at the University of Oxford.



*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation

Areas of Practice

Aged CareArbitrationClass ActionsCommercialConstitutional LawConstructionCorporate & CommercialCorporationsDisabiltyEmployment and Industrial RelationsEnvironmentEquity & TrustsFOI/PrivacyJudicial ReviewMediationMerits ReviewPlanningProperty, Planning, Environment & ResourcesPublic LawRegulatoryTrade Practices/Consumer Protection
