Dr Sue McNicol AM KC

Bar Roll: 2003 Silk: 2012
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Sue practises in commercial, administrative and criminal law.

She specialises in privilege, discovery, confidentiality, privacy, civil procedure, contempt of court, evidence, class actions, freedom of information, public interest immunity, criminal procedure, search warrants and subpoenas.

Sue also regularly acts as an arbitrator in investigations into public and private companies where disputes about privilege have arisen.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Sue was an Associate Professor of Law at Monash University’s Law Faculty from 1993 to 2002 and held a variety of academic positions at Melbourne and Monash Universities.


*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation


CommercialConfidential InformationConstitutional LawCorporate & CommercialFOI/PrivacyJudicial ReviewMediationMerits ReviewPublic LawRoyal Commissions/Government InquiriesTrade Practices/Consumer Protection
  • Dr Sue McNicol QC – is the author of “Law of Privilege” (501 pages, Thomson Law Book Co.) which is a leading text in this area.
  • Dr Sue McNicol QC – is the co-author of “Evidence” (Butterworths TS) a 21 chapter book (now in its third edition, 2005) which includes an analysis and evaluation of the rules of evidence in Australia.
  • Dr Sue McNicol QC – has published over 25 articles in refereed journals and chapters in books.


BCL (Oxford), LLB (Hons) (Melb) BA (Melb), Ph.D (Monash)

Sue completed her BCL at Oxford University (where she won the first Rupert Cross Prize for the highest result in Evidence Law). She also received an Honours Law degree from Melbourne University (where she won the Spero Wilson Memorial Scholarship for the highest result in Advanced Constitutional Law) and a Ph.D from Monash (where she won the Mollie Holman Doctoral Medal for the best Ph.D for her year).


Current member, Australian Academy of Law (AAL) (2022)
Former member, Victorian Bar Council (May 2019-November 2021, November 2022-November 2023);
Former Chair, Readers' Course Committee (2019-June 2021);
Former member, Executive of Readers' Course Committee (2013-June 2021);
Vice-Chair, Readers' Course Committee (2018-9);
Former member, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Sub-Committee of Victorian Bar Council (2019-June 2021);
Former member, Victorian Legal Admissions Board (VLAB) (2015-June 2021);
Former member, Australian Law Reform Commission’s (ALRC) former Advisory Committee for legal privilege

Dr Sue McNicol AM KC

Bar Roll: 2003 Silk: 2012
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Sue practises in commercial, administrative and criminal law.

She specialises in privilege, discovery, confidentiality, privacy, civil procedure, contempt of court, evidence, class actions, freedom of information, public interest immunity, criminal procedure, search warrants and subpoenas.

Sue also regularly acts as an arbitrator in investigations into public and private companies where disputes about privilege have arisen.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Sue was an Associate Professor of Law at Monash University’s Law Faculty from 1993 to 2002 and held a variety of academic positions at Melbourne and Monash Universities.


*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation


Areas of Practice

CommercialConfidential InformationConstitutional LawCorporate & CommercialFOI/PrivacyJudicial ReviewMediationMerits ReviewPublic LawRoyal Commissions/Government InquiriesTrade Practices/Consumer Protection
