Eloise Dias

Bar Roll: 2009 Admitted: 2004
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Eloise practices in all areas of commercial law, including contractual disputes and corporations and securities law. She also provides advice on regulatory matters, including to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. In 2018, Eloise was one of the Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industries. She has also recently been involved in the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.

Before coming to the Bar, Eloise was a Senior Associate in the commercial litigation group at Allens (then Allens Arthur Robinson) and an Associate to Justice Finkelstein of the Federal Court of Australia.  She also practiced as a dispute resolution solicitor at King & Wood Mallesons (then Mallesons Stephen Jaques) where she completed her articles of clerkship.

*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation


Banking & FinanceBanking, Finance & InsolvencyCommercialCompetitionConfidential InformationConflict of LawsConsumer CreditCorporate & CommercialCorporationsEquity & TrustsInsolvencyInsuranceMerits ReviewPrivate International LawPropertyProperty, Planning, Environment & ResourcesPublic LawRegulatoryRoyal Commissions/Government InquiriesSecuritiesStructured FinanceTrade Practices/Consumer Protection
  • Eloise Dias – is a former editor of the Melbourne University Law Review


BA, LLB (Hons) (Melb), BCL (Dist) (Oxon)

Eloise has a Bachelor of Civil Law (Dist) from the University of Oxford.

Eloise Dias

Bar Roll: 2009 Admitted: 2004
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Eloise practices in all areas of commercial law, including contractual disputes and corporations and securities law. She also provides advice on regulatory matters, including to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. In 2018, Eloise was one of the Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industries. She has also recently been involved in the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.

Before coming to the Bar, Eloise was a Senior Associate in the commercial litigation group at Allens (then Allens Arthur Robinson) and an Associate to Justice Finkelstein of the Federal Court of Australia.  She also practiced as a dispute resolution solicitor at King & Wood Mallesons (then Mallesons Stephen Jaques) where she completed her articles of clerkship.

*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation


Areas of Practice

Banking & FinanceBanking, Finance & InsolvencyCommercialCompetitionConfidential InformationConflict of LawsConsumer CreditCorporate & CommercialCorporationsEquity & TrustsInsolvencyInsuranceMerits ReviewPrivate International LawPropertyProperty, Planning, Environment & ResourcesPublic LawRegulatoryRoyal Commissions/Government InquiriesSecuritiesStructured FinanceTrade Practices/Consumer Protection
